Ayurveda–the science or the knowledge of life is known for its oldest medical systems on earth. It provides us with all the important information related to our weight, health and happiness which could be controlled by us. It has two aspects, one is preventive side and other is curative side. The preventive side focuses mainly on how illness could be avoided just by following right diet, meditation and yoga whereas the curative side consists of eight branches of medicine. Here we emphasize on the preventive side of Ayurveda as “Prevention is better than cure”. Ayurveda teaches us that one don’t require medicine, if they follow a right diet. Ayurveda says that everything in this world is made of five elements which are Water, Earth, Fire, Ether and Air. These elements are energies made with finer molecules when combined form all life forms around us. They vary from each other by their densities and vibration. The lightest of them all is Ether with condens...