MICRO GREENS A Micro green is a tiny vegetable green that is used both as a visual and flavor component or ingredient primarily in fine dining restaurants. Fine dining chefs use micro greens to enhance thebeauty, taste and freshness of their dishes with their delicate textures and distinctive flavors. HISTORY Micro greens began showing up on chefs' menus as early as the 1980s, in San Francisco, California, according to a local industry source. In Southern California, micro greens have been grown since about the mid‑1990s. There were initially very few varieties offered. Those available were such as arugula, basil, beets, kale, cilantro and a mixture called Rainbow Mix.Micro herbs have become very popular over recent years. They are generally used as garnish or as a small salad accompaniment on a plate. Micro herbs are suitable herbs which when large are coarse in texture but when small are tender enou...