Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Although organic food is considered as a healthy food but scientific research has never shown a proof that food grown organically and food grown conventionally has much difference when is comes to nutritive value or health aspect of food item.
What is organic food?
Though organic food can be produced with certain synthetic ingredients, it must adhere to specific standards regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture. Crops are generally grown without synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, irradiation, or biotechnology. Animals on organic farms eat organically grown feed, aren't confined 100 percent of the time (as they sometimes are on conventional farms), and are raised without antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones.

Organic farming reduces pollutants in groundwater and creates richer soil that aids plant growth while reducing erosion, according to the Organic Trade Association. It also decreases pesticides that can end up in your drinking glass.

  • Organic food doesn't contain pesticides. More than 400 chemical pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming and residues remain on non-organic food even after washing. Children are especially vulnerable to pesticide exposure. One class of pesticides, endocrine disruptors, are likely responsible for early puberty and breast cancer. Pesticides are linked to asthma and cancer.
  • Organic food isn't genetically modified. Under organic standards, genetically modified (GM) crops and ingredients are prohibited.
  • Organic animals aren't given drugs. Organic farming standards prohibit the use of antibiotics, growth hormones and genetically modified vaccines in farm animals. Hormone-laced beef and dairy consumption is correlated with increased rates of breast, testis and prostate cancers.
  • Organic animals aren't fed animal remains or slaughterhouse waste, blood, or manure. Eating organic reduces the risks of CJD, the human version of mad cow disease, as well as Alzheimer's.
  • Organic animals aren't fed arsenic.
  • Organic animals aren't fed byproducts of corn ethanol production (which increases the rate of E. coli contamination).
  • Organic crops aren't fertilized with toxic sewage sludge or coal waste, or irrigated with E. coli contaminated sewage water.
  • Organic food isn't irradiated. Cats fed a diet of irradiated food got multiple sclerosis within 3-4 months.
  • Organic food contains less illness-inducing bacteria. Organic chicken is free of salmonella and has a reduced incidence of campylobacter.
 Surprising fact about organic food
The surprising fact is that this mass migration to organic food has not been on the back of scientific evidence. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find comprehensive evidence that organic food is healthier – either for us or the planet.

Restaurants turning organic in their food.
Jason’s Deli.
Noodle’s and Company.
Atlanta Bread.
These restaurants are nothing but the finest exponents of organic cuisine which by virtue of organic food are making it loud and big in catering.
Organic cuisine making marry with the myth that it is more nutritive and healthier then the food grown conventionally and creating a buzz loud and clear.


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